The Genesis Class is a class for engaged and married couples, for twenty and thirty year olds. They have various teachers who lead them in studying a variety of topics, from Biblical lessons to contemporary Christian issues. The Genesis Class is committed to growing together in faith through learning, service and fellowship. We meet at 11:00am in Room 205.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Class Update 5/2/10

Connie Presley will be sending me the sign-up sheet to help with the
kids summer Sunday School teaching. They need 2 people each week. I
know members of our class have really enjoyed this in the past, and I
hear they make it really easy.

Connie also needs VBS teachers June 14-18. Ashley is involved in VBS
and can probably answer any questions. Let me know if you are
interested, and I will forward the email to you.

*Please let me know if you plan to be here or out of town the Fourth
of July weekend so we can decide whether or not to have class.

*It was brought to my attention that some people may be out this week
due to Mother's Day. Once again, let me know if you plan on coming to
class so Kristin can plan the lesson. The Nelsons finished up the
Three Simple Rules series last week.

*Please RSVP for the June Shower/Social so we can plan.

*Joys or Concerns
I take my last final exams ever this week. We will be traveling to
Austin this weekend, and

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