The Genesis Class is a class for engaged and married couples, for twenty and thirty year olds. They have various teachers who lead them in studying a variety of topics, from Biblical lessons to contemporary Christian issues. The Genesis Class is committed to growing together in faith through learning, service and fellowship. We meet at 11:00am in Room 205.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Class Update 6/21


We had a great turn out for our first week of our class discussion on The Shack. Thank you to Amy and Cale for facilitating the discussions last week on the first three chapters of the book. This week, Cat will be leading discussion on chapters 4-6. If you haven't started reading, yet, it's pretty easy to get caught up. As we confirmed last Sunday, too, you don't necessarily have to have read the book to contribute to the discussion topics, so don't let that keep you away from class. Also, if you would like to lead the discussions in future weeks (about the book, or other topics once we've finished the book), please let me or the Welborns know.

We will not be holding class on July 5, since several have indicated that they will not be there that Sunday. If you are in town that weekend, Connie Presley has sent out a desparate plea for a few more teachers for Children's Sunday School that Sunday (during the 9:45 hour). If you are willing and able to teach that Sunday, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can pass that on to Connie.

Joys and Concerns:

  • Amy and her sister have been participating in a twin study, and found out that they are identical twins! :)
  • Condolences to the Millers on the unexpected death of Peter's grandmother. Please keep them in your prayers.
  • Congratulations to the Mays on the birth of Colin Miles!

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