The Genesis Class is a class for engaged and married couples, for twenty and thirty year olds. They have various teachers who lead them in studying a variety of topics, from Biblical lessons to contemporary Christian issues. The Genesis Class is committed to growing together in faith through learning, service and fellowship. We meet at 11:00am in Room 205.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Genesis Class Update 10/24/2010

Genesis Class,

This is a long one...sorry!

Heath led us in a discussion about Christian giving and tithing on Sunday. A few things came up from the previous discussion about poverty, and we decided that we would like to continue discussing this topic.

Missions: Chris and Jennifer, Daniel and Kimie, and Jeff and I helped with Habitat on Saturday until the tornado sirens began going off. They are an entire day behind due to a previous rain day plus stopping early this past Saturday so they can use a lot help. Email Joy Anderson if you are interested.

Would anyone be willing to organize Welcome Home a Hero for December?

There are a lot of volunteer opportunities coming up so Joy will be visiting the 11:00 classes this coming Sunday to discuss them.

Socials: Thank you to Michael and Amy for hosting the chili cook-off. There was a lot of yummy chili! Jeff and I had to leave early so someone please update everyone regarding the winner.

Jeff and I met with Taylor, the president of the 20 Somethings class, on Sunday. He invited our class to a Thanksgiving potluck on Sunday, November 21st 11am-12:30pm with their class. Rodney has offered to let us have it in Mays Hall and invite all young adults who have visited or joined the church in the past year. The Young Adult Ministry will provide turkeys and stuffing. Men of Faith, Men of Honor will also be providing part of the meal and a lesson for the day. Side dishes and desserts will be needed.

Following the potluck, those who would like to can head over and help decorate the church for Christmas.

We are coming up on the Christmas season, which means it is almost time for our annual After Christmas Party and worst gift exchange in January. If you would like to host this year or have a date preference let me know.

Joys and Concerns:
-The 4th grade Sunday School teacher who teaches opposite Sundays of Jared and Hayley, Janene Whitby, was recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer.
-Courtney's aunt had to have an extensive foot surgery
-Courtney and Heath's cousin-in-law and Sean's good friend, Nick and Natalie, are pregnant and due in April
-Slate is doing well and getting back to where he was prior to his stroke
-My sister will have her baby any day
-The mother of the family for whom the Habitat house is being built was diagnosed with thyroid cancer this week

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