The Genesis Class is a class for engaged and married couples, for twenty and thirty year olds. They have various teachers who lead them in studying a variety of topics, from Biblical lessons to contemporary Christian issues. The Genesis Class is committed to growing together in faith through learning, service and fellowship. We meet at 11:00am in Room 205.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Class Update 9/6

I hope everyone had a relaxing Labor Day Weekend. We will resume class this week with our second installment of "In God's Name", which is a documentary of interviews with 12 of the world's spiritual leaders, from a variety of religions. From the first segment that we watched and discussed during our last class meeting, this looks like it will be a very interesting and informative film. We will continue watching and discussing the film over the next 3 class meetings. The Beathards mentioned that it is fairly well segmented, though, so if you have missed, or will miss a week, you should be able to pick back up when you're back in class...

Our next mini-service project is to help set tables tomorrow night for the Laugh and Rejoice event which happens on Saturday. Fred asked if we could be there at 5, but I recommended 5:30... So, if you are able to help, please meet at the Family Life Center (the gym...) tomorrow night at 5:30. They will have pizza delivered (sorry Cat...) at 6:30. They have about 30 tables that will need setting. I think that we will have no trouble getting the work done in that time frame. I have received confirmations from the following couples:
The Welborns
The Beathards
The Hammers
The Burdettes

If you are on that list, but can't make it, or if you're not on that list, but want to help out, please let me know today so that I can give Fred a count for the pizza order.

Our next service project will be volunteering at Operation Kindness' Dog Day Afternoon at Whiterock Lake on Sep 20th. Blaire has learned that we will be helping to coordinate the various "dog contests" that go on throughout the day, so it should be fun, especially for the dog lovers! I'll send out more specifics in next week's email about when and where to be. We will probably want to organize a carpool or two.

That's all that I have, for now...
Hope to see you either tomorrow night, or on Sunday!

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